Heavenly Sword is a dramatic tale of revenge that sees Nariko (Anna Torv), a fiery red-haired heroine, embark on a quest for vengeance against the invading King Bohan (Alfred Molina) and his army. Once considered the failure of a legendary prophecy, Nariko must wield a sword that was ultimately meant for another. This ancient Heavenly Sword, once belonging to a powerful deity, can never be wielded by a mortal without it slowly and inevitably killing them. For Nariko, it is a race against time to avenge her clan before her life is irreparably overtaken by the omnipotent Heavenly Sword企图世界征服的【KING】一族,率领强的大军队想要吞噬世界上的一切。就在这时,神告诉某一族的族人,“在炎马之年将会有一名背负宿命的男孩此地出生,他利用‘神之剑’来拯救这个世界,带领人们脱离苦海。”但是,与神的预言恰恰相反,出生的婴儿却是一名女孩子。因此民众都叹息救世主没有出现在他们面前,同时反而开始憎恨这个女孩子是毁灭世界的灾祸,而这位女孩子就是本作的主人公。她为了改变自己的命运,通过刻苦的训练,